1. How would you say your clients rate the services you provide?
(show 0-10 scale with 0 being awful & 10 being awesome)
2. How detailed is your plan for generating referrals?
(show 0-10 scale with 0 if you don’t have one & 10 being detailed and thorough)
3. How often do you communicate with your clients and referral partners?
(show 0-10 scale with 0 being never & 10 being weekly)
4. How consistently do you ask your clients and professional network for referrals?
(show 0-10 scale with 0 being awful & 10 being awesome)
5. How consistent are you at tracking the referrals you give & receive?
(show 0-10 scale with 0 being awful & 10 being awesome)
6. How consistent are you at thanking people who give you referrals?
(show 0-10 scale with 0 being awful & 10 being awesome)
7. How consistent are you at updating people about the referrals they give you?
(show 0-10 scale with 0 being awful & 10 being awesome)
8. How consistent are you at rewarding people who give you referrals?
(show 0-10 scale with 0 being awful & 10 being awesome)
9. How consistent are you at recognizing people who give you referrals?
(show 0-10 scale with 0 being awful & 10 being awesome)
10. How consistent are you at promoting yourself & your referral partners?
(show 0-10 scale with 0 being awful & 10 being awesome)