Learn Why They Buy

for many people, closing or enrolling clients can be a challenge. So, what if there was a quick, easy, and effective way to increase your closing rate up to 300%?

There is when you learn people’s BANKCODE and understand how each person thinks and how they make buying decisions.

The truth is that we human beings have twenty-four very different personality styles. Some people are naturally outgoing and friendly, greeting everyone they meet with a smile and a hug. These people excel in sales, customer service, and other positions where relationships matter.

Others are more shy and introverted, preferring to have as little human contact as possible. You probably know a number of these people, and perhaps that is how you were created. These people tend to be computer programmers, accountants, mechanics,
electricians, plumbers, and other professions where they can excel working with things more than with people.

Take It to The B.A.N.K.

When it comes to the buying process, the same is true. When working with prospects and selling your products or services, some will use their intuition to assess your offer quickly.

In contrast, others need time to analyze information on their various options to select the optimal solution before moving forward.

It’s important to recognize people think differently based on their personality style. Considering people process information and make decisions much differently, why do most business people use the exact same presentations and conversations for each prospect they meet?

This was a question I had never considered until October 14, 2017. I led a 2-day event called the Profit Partner Summit, teaching this Raving Referral system to an audience of over 200 in Phoenix, Arizona. After walking off stage, a woman named Sandy approached me, introduced herself, handed me four colored cards, and said,

“Do me a favor: read the information on these cards and sort them in the order of what’s most important to least important to you. That will help me serve you better and save us both time.”

After reviewing the cards, I quickly sorted and handed them back. What happened next blew me away.

As Sandy reviewed the order of the cards I handed her, she started describing my personality. I was shocked at how accurate her
assessment was, and all I had done was sort four cards. I’ve taken at least a dozen different personality assessments, including Myers Briggs (MBTI), DiSC, The Harrison Assessment, and StrengthsFinder, to name a few. Each time, I had to go online and tediously answer 60-100 questions which typically took between 10-20 minutes. With B.A.N.K., it was nearly instant, and there was
no technology needed.

Sandy went on to explain how this B.A.N.K. system helps you
close more sales in less time, increasing closing rates to as much as 300%. She also shared a white paper scientifically validating B.A.N.K. as the world’s only sales methodology that accurately predicts buying behavior in real-time.

Close More Sales in Less Time

The key to increasing your sales conversion rates is to identify your prospect’s personality type. Once you understand their BANKCODE you can customize your conversations and presentations to be most effective based on how each person processes information and makes buying decisions. In just seconds, this easy and reliable system can help you:

● Supercharge Your Sales
● Transform Your Communications
● Make Lifelong Connections

The four BANKCODES are: Blueprint, Action, Nurturing, and Knowledge.

As you look at the following list, which would you choose as your top choice if you could only choose one?

Now that you’ve identified your first choice, what would you choose next?

Complete that process until you have your four-code combination.

Did you know there are 24 individual BANKCODES that drive why people buy? To learn the secrets, science and system to increase sales conversions up to 300%.