Expert Faculty

Robert W. Jones

Robert W. Jones is the Founder of the Award-winning iNETrepreneur Network, an omnichannel entrepreneurial development organization. Robert’s company publishes various collaborative bestselling books and the world-class iNETrepreneur Magazine along with the iNETrepreneur Radio Show.. His network offers over 1000 meetings and events per year and is host to the signature event, the Art of Connection Global Summit.

Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Bestselling Author, TEDx Panelist, Connector, with a demonstrated history of working in the internet and event industry. Proud Marine, 1983-1989.

A strong business development professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Coaching, Sales, Event Management, and Team Building, Promotions, and Event Management.


Robert hosts the iNETrepreneur Radio Show, Publishes the iNETrepreneur Magazine, and provides a Low Cost, High Impact way for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Influencers to be seen, heard, and create additional income.


So many of us have genius to share, but aren’t ready to tackle the writing of an entire book, much less make the effort (or even know how) to get it on a Best Seller list. My friends Robert W. Jones & Dr. Karen Perkins of the iNETrepreneur Network are putting together The Art of Connection – 365 days of Quotes by Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Influencers.
If your target market is business owners and entrepreneurs and you have a quote that could shift their perspective, I invite you to consider submitting a quote & explanation & becoming part of this publication.
Be seen, be read, connect, and add “Best-Selling Author” to your credentials. Well worth $50, yes? Yes. (and yes, I am an affiliate AND I’ve already submitted my quote and my thoughts on it).

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